Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cell Phone Overkill

Cell Phone Overkill

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nokia N93 Size Comparison

Nokia N93 Size Comparison
Here's a comparison of size between the Nokia N93, Canon S400 and Motorola Razr. I would have no problem carrying the N93 in my pocket.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Door Sky

Door Sky

I went over to Allandale farm and took some photos with the Nokia N93. Here's one that shows a lot of color. Click the image to see a larger version.

My friend Andreas says this about the camera function of the N93, "the autofocus "hunts" a lot and the screen doesn't update as fast as a regular camera."

Yes. That is the way it works.



I went over to Allandale farm and took some photos with the Nokia N93. Here's a close up. Click the image to see a larger version.

Nokia N93 Photo Sent via Lifeblog WiFi

Michael Meiser in a comment on the last post wanted to see how I posted that video via Hipcast. Basically I just went onto the Hipcast web site via the Nokia N93 web browser and uploaded the video by browsing my local storage and selecting the video that I wanted to upload.

His question got me to thinking though, was there a way to make uploading media even more easy?

Then I remembered that Nokia has an embedded blog posting application called Lifeblog on the N93. It's preferred blog hosting site is Typepad so I entered in my Typepad username/password and uploaded a photo.

It's very straighforward and seamless.

Here's a video:

If you are interested in the many options I had for hosting this video here, check out my video blog post, posting video.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Nokia N93 Video Sent via WiFi

I have experienced the future of Citizen Journalism first hand. It's all about hand held multimedia devices, connected via WiFi from the street, and posting as it happens.

I sent this video from Centre Street in Jamaica Plain from the Nokia N93 I am testing.

I recorded the video and saved it to the phone, then connected to the free WiFi at Sweet Finnish from the sidewalk.

Then I went over to and using the browser in the phone, logged on to Hipcast and uploaded the video.

I was with Carol and she wanted to go home so I closed the phone.

When I got home I went back onto Hipcast and posted the video. I just as well could have posted from the sidewalk.


Note: This phone has NO Cellular SERVICE, so there's no need to pay a monthly broadband access fee if you have a WiFi enabled phone, and there are free WiFi points that are available to you in the city.

Download File

Convert Nokia .amr Audio to .mp4

I made a short recording with the Nokia N93. I chose the bluetooth option to save it directly over to my MacBook. Once there, I opened it in QuickTime Pro and then exported it as a .mp4.

Nokia N93 WiFi River of News

Nokia N93 WiFi River of News on Vimeo

I'm testing the Nokia N93 cellphone with WiFi, connected to my home network, browsing the New York Times with Dave Winer's River of News feature that you can find at

Sunflower Photo from Nokia N93

Sunflower and Sky

This is the photo of the sunflower I took with the N93 that I displayed earlier on my TV.

Once you get a handle on the focus, you'll get some nice shots. It takes getting used to since the flipout viewscreen is to the left of the lens.

I'll have to play around some more with the photo features. It takes a second to focus as you press halfway down on the capture key.

The camera also has an inbuilt LED flash. It's pretty bright and the manual has a warning about it, "Do not use the flash on people or animals at close range."

Oops. Too late.

Nokia N93 Bluetooth

Setting up Bluetooth was very easy with the Nokia N93 and my MacBook Pro.

I just turned on Bluetooth on the Mac and discovered the N93, went through the authentication procedure, and than had access to the files on the N93.

I selected the files and then transferred them into a folder on the desktop. Simple.

Nokia N93 Photo in HD

Nokia N93 Photo in HD

The quality of this sunflower photo I took and displayed on my HD TV is really amazing.

The colors are so vibrant.

Nokia N93 Photo on an HD TV

Nokia N93 Photo on an HD TV

Snakes on a Nokia N93

Snakes on a Nokia N93

Here I am playing Snakes on a Nokia N93 which is hooked up to a Sharp HD TV. Sweet.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

My First N93 Movie

Sunflowers on Vimeo

Here's my first movie shot with a Nokia N93. I attached a USB data cable from the phone to my Mac, put the phone in data transfer mode, and then copied the .mp4 video to my desktop. Then uploaded to Vimeo!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nokia N93 in the House

I just received a brand new Nokia N93 for testing.

It's got a lot of features to check out, but first I need to get a European power adapter becuase the power adapter that came with the phone doesn't fit into a US plug!
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Get Seen: Online Video Secrets to Building Your Business

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